About Nash

Nash Chen(陳柏瑋)/臺灣 / 自由接案彩妝師 



2009年 /


2014年 / 累積多方彩妝經驗後,成為自由接案彩妝師。


曾參與VOGUE FNO時裝展演之彩妝專案,實踐服裝系畢展專案及金曲獎、金鐘獎後台彩妝。




目前與台灣知名時尚彩妝大師張景凱的品牌KAI DELUXE特約合作,為旗下團隊彩妝師。化妝有著無限的可能也是表達個人風格的方式,讓作品能夠成為恆久的經典。




Marie Claire、Men's UNO、WE PEOPLE、FHM、Milk X、ZINE、COOL、VINGE、型格 Style Master、ABOOK


FUCKING YOUNG、Dark Beauty、Pump Magazine、Maps、HUF、Yoho!Girl



Nash Chen(ChenPo-Wei )/Taiwan / Freelance Makeup Artist 


Professional makeup artist with 8 years of professional working experience.

Year 2009 - 2013
Professional makeup artist at Nars Taiwan. Frequently participated in many magazine photoshoots, fashion shows and events as a makeup artist along with others professionals. 

Year 2014
Became a freelance makeup artist and successfully showed unique skills and inspiration in the show after learning from previous professional experience.

Participated in Vogue FNO , Shih Chien College fashion show , Golden Melody Awards and Golden Bell Awards. Presented many different styles of makeup which would fit the theme of events. At present, fully be capable of creating good visuals in various fashion shows, fashion magazine photoshoots and commercial shooting independently. 

Currently working with Taiwan established makeup artist, Kai Deluxe, and makeup for all events . Created many makeups with different idea and themes. Makeup has infinite ways to present every individual style, it makes a creation to be a long lasting classic.

Often work closely with fashion magazine such as Marie Claire,Men's UNO,WE PEOPLE,FHM, Milk X,ZINE,COOL,VINGE and ABOOK  etc. Also being spotted and got featured in International magazine (FUCKING YOUNG , Dark Beauty,Pump Magazine,Maps,HUF,Yoho!Girl) too.